Roy Orbison 3 Drumming Video
I just discovered drums and can’t stop rock and roll! I am now 19 months old. Check this video out!
Roy Orbison Jr married Asa Hallgren (Asa Orbison)
On June 11th this year my parents Roy Orbison Jr and Åsa Orbison got married! The ceremony took place at the Cash Cabin and the minister was our dear friend John Carter Cash, son of Johnny Cash. You can read about in People Magazine and People Country today HERE!
Out in Hendersonville at the Johnny Cash Cabin!
Here with my favorite guys! From the left my dad Roy Orbison Jr, holding me is my uncle Alex Orbison, our dear friend John Carter Cash and my uncle Wesley Orbison. Reco
Roy Orbison 3 – Jamming with James Burton of Elvis Presley TCB Band
I had the pleasure to jam with the greatest guitarist in the world – James Burton! Check this video out!
Roy Orbison Jr & Asa & Roy3 at Graceland for Elvis Week 2017 ! ! ! !
Roy Orbison 3 at GrandDad Roy Orbison’s Hollywood Star!
Roy Orbison 3 at GrandDad Roy Orbison’s Hollywood Star! Located in front of the Capitol Record Building at 1750 Vine Street in Hollywood, California
Roy Orbison 3 & Roy Orbison Jr playing guitar
Practicing guitar with my Dad Roy Orbison Jr!
Ringo Starr & Roy Orbison 3
July 7th this year I had the honor to wish Ringo Starr a Happy Birthday! The Beatles went on tour with my grandfather Roy Orbison back in the days and the families has been great friends ever since. Thanks for a great party!
Roy Orbison3 & Roy Orbison Jr in Malibu, California
Picture from last week of me and my Dad Roy Orbison Jr, in Malibu, California. “One sunny day I’ll get back again. Somehow someway but I don’t know when” – California Blue